During a long and distinguished career with the state of Wisconsin’s Department of Corrections (WI-DOC), Brad Hompe has performed nearly every job available in a prison environment. Therefore, it should not surprise anyone that Brad, who currently serves as a Corrections Complaint Examiner and Investigator for WI-DOC, is considered something of an expert in most areas of prison and jail operations.
It is the case that Brad Hompe has provided a wide variety of services in prisons and jails throughout Wisconsin and nationally, including as a prison staff employee, as a jail inspector, and as an instructor and trainer. Brad’s level of expertise comes from experience. He has been heavily involved in all aspects of jail operations, from jail and prison planning and design all the way through the development of jail and prison policies in all areas, including use of force, training and evaluation and incident management programs. He also has expertise when it comes to food service, sanitation and maintenance, classification and supervision and even fire safety. He’s done almost everything a prison or jail employee can, so he’s seen and done nearly everything at one point or another.