Brad Hompe has seemingly performed nearly every job there is to do in a prison environment during his long career with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (WI-DOC). He has worked his way up through the ranks, starting as a corrections officer, sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, unit manager and deputy warden and, eventually, warden. Brad is now considered a top-of-the-line expert on almost everything related to prison operations. That expertise comes out of his experience in virtually every aspect of jail and prison operations, starting with design and planning to policy development on virtually every level, such as incident management, use of force, and proper training and evaluation of jail and prison employees.
These days, Brad Hompe currently serves WI-DOC as a Corrections Complaint Examiner and Investigator, but really, Brad’s experience with jail and prison operations is far more extensive than most. For example, Brad Hompe led the way to the development and implementation of numerous corrections programs and he has provided a wide range of services in prisons and jails throughout Wisconsin and nationally.
These days, Brad Hompe currently serves WI-DOC as a Corrections Complaint Examiner and Investigator, but really, Brad’s experience with jail and prison operations is far more extensive than most. For example, Brad Hompe led the way to the development and implementation of numerous corrections programs and he has provided a wide range of services in prisons and jails throughout Wisconsin and nationally.