Thursday, 25 October 2018

Brad Hompe - Balancing Act

In most professions, when a job has to be done, there is one primary boss that is at the top of the pyramid and there may be many below that. When one does have multiple pinnacles at the top, it can be quite the balancing act to maintain the priorities of both parties. Especially when they are of equal value. In the case of the prison and jail sector, there are two pinnacles.

The first is that of the private sector owners. Most jails and prisons are privately owned which means whenever anything happens that affects any numbers, whether that be population or finance, they all have to be reported to the owner of the facility. The second pinnacle is that of the government. Obviously, if someone is sent to jail, there is a judicial system that put them there and because of that there are a plethora of government regulations that must also be met.

Brad Hompe works in the jail and prison sector and has a great deal of experience working on projects within the system and he himself has acted as a representative of the owner. Because he has also worked directly for the prison sector, he is able to understand both sides of the arguments and therefore navigate more smoothly the conflicts that can arise. Brad Hompe’s ability to balance is what makes him an asset whether representing the owner or working directly for the prison or jail.

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Understanding the System - Brad Hompe

When working in any environment, it is important to understand the system you are up against. It is essential to know the potential pitfalls just as much as the potential successes. In the case of the jail and prison system, it is no different. Brad Hompe has spent his career working to understand the different environments and positions within this system and prides himself on being an employee that works to always be increasing his knowledge. Brad Hompe also adds an element of human touch to his work which makes him stand out amongst his fellow employees as someone that goes above and beyond.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

The Experience and Education of Brad Hompe

In addition to a wide range of experience in the corrections environment, Brad Hompe also made a point of gaining as much education as possible. He started by earning a Bachelor's Degree in criminal justice and psychology at Winona State University in Minnesota. He followed that up by attending the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh, where he earned a Masters Degree in Public Administration (MPA). Since he started in his career, Brad has received certifications in law enforcement from Chippewa Valley Technical College in Eau Claire and Alexandria Technical College in Alexandria, Minnesota, and he is even certified as a Firefighter I, which he received from Southwest Technical College in Fennimore, Wisconsin.

Nowadays, those looking for Brad Hompe will find him working for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (WI-DOC), where he is a Corrections Complaint Examiner and Investigator. However, to date, Brad has worked at nearly every level of the corrections system along the way. He worked his way up the career ladder, starting as a corrections officer and fulfilling every position there is to work along the way to becoming a warden.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Brad Hompe Knows What to Do in Corrections

These days, Brad Hompe can be found working with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (WI-DOC), where he is a Corrections Complaint Examiner and Investigator. However, he has certainly garnered a lot of experience along the journey to that position. He has become very knowledgeable when it comes to virtually every aspect of jail and prison operations, primarily because he has provided a wide range of services in prisons and jails throughout Wisconsin and nationally at one time of another. He has worked at nearly every level of the corrections system on his way there, including time as warden eventually, although he worked his way up the chain, starting as a corrections officer, a sergeant, a lieutenant, a captain, a unit manager and a deputy warden all along the way.

In addition to extensive experience, Brad Hompe also has a significant education to draw upon. He earned a Bachelor's Degree in criminal justice and psychology from Winona State University and a Masters Degree in Public Administration (MPA) from the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh. Brad also has law enforcement certifications from schools in Minnesota and Wisconsin and a Firefighter I Certification, which he earned from Southwest Technical College in Fennimore, Wisconsin.

In short, Brad Hompe has a ton of experience in the realm of jail and prison operations. Besides having led the development and implementation of corrections programs, Brad is highly thought of as a top-notch expert on prison operations, primarily based on the knowledge he gained from his experience in all aspects of jail operations, from design and planning to policy development and implementation. He is extremely knowledgeable regarding use of force, the development and implementation of training and evaluation and incident management, but his expertise also includes such diverse elements of the correction system as food service, sanitation and maintenance, classification, supervision and even fire safety.